living in a modern world
We are bombarded with advertisements on billboards, cars, television, and even in the sky. News, e-mail, weather updates, images of war, social networking pages, and stories of loss, hunger, and natural and man-made disasters are delivered to our computers and phones night and day..read the rest of the artist statement here. Artist Statement

the struggle to evolve before the end of time
Initially thought of The Struggle to Evolve Before the End of Time series as a linear progression depicting man’s struggle, pain and search for resolution. As time passed, however, I realized that man’s search does not progress in a linear fashion, but rather is something more akin to poetry, with bits and pieces woven together to create moments of wonder, insight, resolution and pain. Click here to go to artist statement for this series.
western series and landscape series
The cowboy has been portrayed in American culture as a masculine ideal and a symbol of individualism for decades. John Wayne, the Marlboro Man and Clint Eastwood embodied and helped to solidify the cowboy-as-rugged-individualist icon…
How was it that our culture’s metaphorical cowboy, and the attendant notion of the independent, self-made individualist who needs no one, wound up creating cracks in the very culture it purported to strengthen? While the cowboy (i.e. ideal man) as self-sufficient individualist is an appealing idea, it is
click here to continue with Western Series Artist Statement
Landscape Series statement.
I walk in fields in my mind. Years ago I realized that I was doing this mainly during conversations. I’m not dissociative; to the contrary, often..to continue to Landscape Series Artist Statement click here