After 5 or 6 or 10 revisions, this is it. I am not sure why,...
Just as I am beginning to make my way through my stack of books, the...
It has come to my attention that I’m caught in a loop of my own...
Ok, If you have been following this work progression you will know that I have...
Several years ago I saw the movie, Interview with a Vampire. While not really a...
I have been feeling a strong pull to do something different in the past few...
Ok, I recently mentioned that I have done 2 jugglers in the past 3 years...
10 Rules I ran across these rules when I was at the Diebenkorn exhibit at...
Circus Series, also 48″ x 72″. After two days of working on this, I literally...
I usually have to live with a piece for a while to see if it...